FEM 格子桁構造解析プログラム
格子桁構造解析プログラムを紹介します。 このプログラムは、平面骨組構造解析プログラムの軸力・軸方向変位をねじりモーメント・ねじり角に書き換えたものです。 構造は平面形状とし、x - y 平面上で定義します。
なお、このプログラムでは温度変化による断面力は考慮できません。 それは、考慮できる断面力は、ねじりモーメント、曲げモーメント、せん断力であり、軸力項が無いためです。
充実矩形断面のねじり定数 は、断面の短辺を 、長辺を として、以下の式で計算できます。
ここで、コンクリート床のような版構造を格子桁でモデル化する場合、ねじり定数 はゼロとみなせるくらいに小さな値を入力します。 これは、ある要素のねじり角は、それに交差する要素の曲げ角に影響するため、曲げモーメントがねじりの影響で不連続になってしまうためです。
Grid Girder Analysis
Outline of Grid Girder Analysis Program
- This is a program for Grid Girder Analysis. Elastic and small displacement problems can be treated. This program has been made using 'Python 3.'
- Beam element with 2 nodes is used. 1 node has 3 degrees of freedom which are torsional rotation, bending rotation and deflection.
- Simultaneous linear equations are solved using
. - Input / Output file name can be defined arbitrarily as text files with the separator of blank, and those are inputted from command line of a terminal.
Item | Description |
Element | Beam element which has 3 degrees of freedom such as torsional rotation, bending rotation and deflection. |
Load | Specify the node number and load values on the node. |
Displacement | Specify the node number and displacements on the node. Any values can be applied including zero |
Global Coordinate System | Local Coordinate Syatem |
The Stiffness matrix of an element is shown below:
A shear modulus is calculated from an elastic modulus of and Poisson's ration using following equation in the program.
Since the coordinate transformation is carried out on the x-y plane only, the transfoemation matrix is the same type as it for 2D frame analysis.
Format of input data file
npoin nele nsec npfix nlod # Basic values for analysis E po AA AI AJ gamma # material properties ....(1 to nsec).... # node-1,node-2,matno # Element connectivity, material set number, uniformly distributed load per unit length ....(1 to nele).... # x,y # Node coordinates, temperature change of node ....(1 to npoin).... # node nokx noky nokz rdisx rdisy rdisz # node number, restrict conditions and forced displacement ....(1 to npfix).... # node,fx,fy,fz # node number, Load values of torsional moment, bending moment, vertical force ....(1 to nlod).... # (Omit data input if nlod=0)
npoin : Number of nodes E : Elastic modulus of element nele : Number of elements po : Poison's ratio nsec : Number of material sets AA : Section area of element npfix : Number of restricted nodes AI : Moment of Inertia of element nlod : Number of loaded nodes AJ : Tosion constant gamma : unit weight of material matno : Material set number
- The structure shall be defined on the x-y plane in the global coordinate system.
- x-direction in the local coordinate system means the member axis.
- The displacement in local x-direction means the rotation around the x-axis, which is same as torsional rotation.
- The displacement in local y-direction means the rotation around the y-axis, which is same as bending rotation.
- The displacement in local z-direction means the deflection of the beam.
- Restricted node means the node which has known (given) displacement. As a known (given) value of nodal displacement, any value can be given including zero for a restricted node.
- Since stress resultants of element are defined as equivalent nodal forces in local coordinate system, it is necessary to note that signs are different from it on general structural mechanics. Positive directions are always right-direction, upward-direction for each node in local coordinate system.
Format of output file
npoin nele nsec npfix nlod (Each value for above item) sec E po A I J gamma (material caracteristics) .....(1 to nsec)..... node x y fx fy fz kox koy koz node: node number x : x-coordinate y : y-coordinate fx : torsional load fy : bending moment load fz : vertical force load kox : restriction around x-axis koy : restriction around y-axis koz : restriction in z-direction .....(1 to npoin)..... node kox koy koz rdis_x rdis_y rdis_z node : node number kox : restriction around x-axis koy : restriction around y-axis koz : restriction in z-direction rdis_x : given rotation around x-axis rdis_y : given rotation around y-axis rdis_z : given displacement in z-direction .....(1 to npfix)..... elem i j sec elem : element number i : node-1 j : node-2 sec : material number .....(1 to nele)..... node rot-x rot-y dis-z node : node number rot-x : rotation arouns x-axis rot-y : rotation around y-axis dis-z : displacement in z-direction .....(1 to npoin)..... elem T_i M_i Q_i T_j M_j Q_j elem : element number T_i : torsional moment at node-i M_i : bending moment at node-i Q_i : shearing force at node-i T_j : torsional moment at node-j M_j : bending moment at node-j Q_j : shearing force at node-j .....(1 to nele)..... n=693 time=0.078 sec # reference information
Grid Girder Analysis Program
################################### # Grid Girder Analysis ################################### import numpy as np from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix import sys import time def inpdata_grd(fnameR,nod,nfree): f=open(fnameR,'r') text=f.readline() text=text.strip() text=text.split() npoin=int(text[0]) # Number of nodes nele =int(text[1]) # Number of elements nsec =int(text[2]) # Number of sections npfix=int(text[3]) # Number of restricted nodes nlod =int(text[4]) # Number of loaded nodes # array declaration x =np.zeros([2,npoin],dtype=np.float64) # Coordinates of nodes ae =np.zeros([6,nsec],dtype=np.float64) # Section characteristics node =np.zeros([nod+1,nele],dtype=np.int) # Node-element relationship fp =np.zeros(nfree*npoin,dtype=np.float64) # External force vector mpfix =np.zeros([nfree,npoin],dtype=np.int) # Ristrict conditions rdis =np.zeros([nfree,npoin],dtype=np.float64) # Ristricted displacement # section characteristics for i in range(0,nsec): text=f.readline() text=text.strip() text=text.split() ae[0,i]=float(text[0]) # E : Elastic modulus ae[1,i]=float(text[1]) # po : Poisson's ratio ae[2,i]=float(text[2]) # AA : Section area ae[3,i]=float(text[3]) # AI : Moment of inertia ae[4,i]=float(text[4]) # AJ : Tortional constant ae[5,i]=float(text[5]) # gamma : Unit weight of beam material # element-node for i in range(0,nele): text=f.readline() text=text.strip() text=text.split() node[0,i]=int(text[0]) #node_1 node[1,i]=int(text[1]) #node_2 node[2,i]=int(text[2]) #section characteristic number # node coordinates for i in range(0,npoin): text=f.readline() text=text.strip() text=text.split() x[0,i]=float(text[0]) # x-coordinate x[1,i]=float(text[1]) # y-coordinate # boundary conditions (0:free, 1:restricted) for i in range(0,npfix): text=f.readline() text=text.strip() text=text.split() lp=int(text[0]) #fixed node mpfix[0,lp-1]=int(text[1]) #index of restriction for tortional rotation mpfix[1,lp-1]=int(text[2]) #index of restriction for bending rotation mpfix[2,lp-1]=int(text[3]) #index of restriction for vertical displacement rdis[0,lp-1]=float(text[4]) #given tortional rotation rdis[1,lp-1]=float(text[5]) #given bending rotation rdis[2,lp-1]=float(text[6]) #given vertical displacement # load if 0<nlod: for i in range(0,nlod): text=f.readline() text=text.strip() text=text.split() lp=int(text[0]) #loaded node fp[3*lp-3]=float(text[1]) #tortional moment load fp[3*lp-2]=float(text[2]) #bending moment load fp[3*lp-1]=float(text[3]) #vertical load f.close() return npoin, nele,nsec,npfix,nlod,ae,node,x,mpfix,rdis,fp def prinp_grd(fnameW,npoin,nele,nsec,npfix,nlod,ae,x,fp,mpfix,rdis,node): fout=open(fnameW,'w') # print out of input data print('{0:>5s} {1:>5s} {2:>5s} {3:>5s} {4:>5s}'.format('npoin','nele','nsec','npfix','nlod'),file=fout) print('{0:5d} {1:5d} {2:5d} {3:5d} {4:5d}'.format(npoin,nele,nsec,npfix,nlod),file=fout) print('{0:>5s} {1:>15s} {2:>15s} {3:>15s} {4:>15s} {5:>15s} {6:>15s}' .format('sec','E','po','A','I','J','gamma'),file=fout) for i in range(0,nsec): print('{0:5d} {1:15.7e} {2:15.7e} {3:15.7e} {4:15.7e} {5:15.7e} {6:15.7e}' .format(i+1,ae[0,i],ae[1,i],ae[2,i],ae[3,i],ae[4,i],ae[5,i]),file=fout) print('{0:>5s} {1:>15s} {2:>15s} {3:>15s} {4:>15s} {5:>15s} {6:>5s} {7:>5s} {8:>5s}' .format('node','x','y','fx','fy','fz','kox','koy','koz'),file=fout) for i in range(0,npoin): lp=i+1 print('{0:5d} {1:15.7e} {2:15.7e} {3:15.7e} {4:15.7e} {5:15.7e} {6:5d} {7:5d} {8:5d}' .format(lp,x[0,i],x[1,i],fp[3*lp-3],fp[3*lp-2],fp[3*lp-1],mpfix[0,i],mpfix[1,i],mpfix[2,i]),file=fout) print('{0:>5s} {1:>5s} {2:>5s} {3:>5s} {4:>15s} {5:>15s} {6:>15s}' .format('node','kox','koy','koz','rdis_x','rdis_y','rdis_z'),file=fout) for i in range(0,npoin): if 0<mpfix[0,i]+mpfix[1,i]+mpfix[2,i]: lp=i+1 print('{0:5d} {1:5d} {2:5d} {3:5d} {4:15.7e} {5:15.7e} {6:15.7e}' .format(lp,mpfix[0,i],mpfix[1,i],mpfix[2,i],rdis[0,i],rdis[1,i],rdis[2,i]),file=fout) print('{0:>5s} {1:>5s} {2:>5s} {3:>5s}'.format('elem','i','j','sec'),file=fout) for ne in range(0,nele): print('{0:5d} {1:5d} {2:5d} {3:5d}'.format(ne+1,node[0,ne],node[1,ne],node[2,ne]),file=fout) fout.close() def prout_grd(fnameW,npoin,nele,disg,fsec): fout=open(fnameW,'a') # displacement print('{0:>5s} {1:>15s} {2:>15s} {3:>15s}'.format('node','rot-x','rot-y','dis-z'),file=fout) for i in range(0,npoin): lp=i+1 print('{0:5d} {1:15.7e} {2:15.7e} {3:15.7e}'.format(lp,disg[3*lp-3],disg[3*lp-2],disg[3*lp-1]),file=fout) # section force print('{0:>5s} {1:>15s} {2:>15s} {3:>15s} {4:>15s} {5:>15s} {6:>15s}' .format('elem','T_i','M_i','Q_i','T_j','M_j','Q_j'),file=fout) for ne in range(0,nele): print('{0:5d} {1:15.7e} {2:15.7e} {3:15.7e} {4:15.7e} {5:15.7e} {6:15.7e}' .format(ne+1,fsec[0,ne],fsec[1,ne],fsec[2,ne],fsec[3,ne],fsec[4,ne],fsec[5,ne]),file=fout) fout.close() def sm_grd(GJ,EI,x1,y1,x2,y2): ek=np.zeros([6,6],dtype=np.float64) # local stiffness matrix tt=np.zeros([6,6],dtype=np.float64) # transformation matrix xx=x2-x1 yy=y2-y1 el=np.sqrt(xx**2+yy**2) ek[0,0]= GJ/el; ek[0,1]= 0.0; ek[0,2]= 0.0; ek[0,3]=-GJ/el; ek[0,4]= 0.0; ek[0,5]= 0.0 ek[1,0]= 0.0; ek[1,1]= 4*EI/el ; ek[1,2]= -6*EI/el**2; ek[1,3]= 0.0; ek[1,4]= 2*EI/el ; ek[1,5]= 6*EI/el**2 ek[2,0]= 0.0; ek[2,1]=-6*EI/el**2; ek[2,2]= 12*EI/el**3; ek[2,3]= 0.0; ek[2,4]=-6*EI/el**2; ek[2,5]=-12*EI/el**3 ek[3,0]=-GJ/el; ek[3,1]= 0.0; ek[3,2]= 0.0; ek[3,3]= GJ/el; ek[3,4]= 0.0; ek[3,5]= 0.0 ek[4,0]= 0.0; ek[4,1]= 2*EI/el ; ek[4,2]= -6*EI/el**2; ek[4,3]= 0.0; ek[4,4]= 4*EI/el ; ek[4,5]= 6*EI/el**2 ek[5,0]= 0.0; ek[5,1]= 6*EI/el**2; ek[5,2]=-12*EI/el**3; ek[5,3]= 0.0; ek[5,4]= 6*EI/el**2; ek[5,5]= 12*EI/el**3 s=yy/el c=xx/el tt[0,0]= c; tt[0,1]= s; tt[0,2]=0.0; tt[0,3]=0.0; tt[0,4]=0.0; tt[0,5]=0.0 tt[1,0]= -s; tt[1,1]= c; tt[1,2]=0.0; tt[1,3]=0.0; tt[1,4]=0.0; tt[1,5]=0.0 tt[2,0]=0.0; tt[2,1]=0.0; tt[2,2]=1.0; tt[2,3]=0.0; tt[2,4]=0.0; tt[2,5]=0.0 tt[3,0]=0.0; tt[3,1]=0.0; tt[3,2]=0.0; tt[3,3]= c; tt[3,4]= s; tt[3,5]=0.0 tt[4,0]=0.0; tt[4,1]=0.0; tt[4,2]=0.0; tt[4,3]= -s; tt[4,4]= c; tt[4,5]=0.0 tt[5,0]=0.0; tt[5,1]=0.0; tt[5,2]=0.0; tt[5,3]=0.0; tt[5,4]=0.0; tt[5,5]=1.0 return ek,tt def bfvec_grd(gamma,A,x1,y1,x2,y2): # Distributed vertical load vector bfv=np.zeros(6,dtype=np.float64) el=np.sqrt((x2-x1)**2+(y2-y1)**2) gkv=-1.0 # downward direction bfv[0]=0.0 bfv[1]=0.0 bfv[2]=0.5*gamma*A*el*gkv bfv[3]=0.0 bfv[4]=0.0 bfv[5]=0.5*gamma*A*el*gkv return bfv def main(): # Main routine start=time.time() args = sys.argv fnameR=args[1] # input data file fnameW=args[2] # output data file nod=2 # Number of nodes per element nfree=3 # Degree of freedom per node # data input and input data print npoin,nele,nsec,npfix,nlod,ae,node,x,mpfix,rdis,fp=inpdata_grd(fnameR,nod,nfree) prinp_grd(fnameW,npoin,nele,nsec,npfix,nlod,ae,x,fp,mpfix,rdis,node) # assembly of stiffness matrix & load vectors ir =np.zeros(nod*nfree,dtype=np.int) # Work vector for matrix assembly gk =np.zeros([nfree*npoin,nfree*npoin],dtype=np.float64) # Global stiffness matrix for ne in range(0,nele): i=node[0,ne]-1 j=node[1,ne]-1 m=node[2,ne]-1 x1=x[0,i] y1=x[1,i] x2=x[0,j] y2=x[1,j] ee=ae[0,m] po=ae[1,m] aa=ae[2,m] ai=ae[3,m] aj=ae[4,m] gamma=ae[5,m] A=aa GJ=0.5*ee/(1.0+po)*aj EI=ee*ai ek,tt=sm_grd(GJ,EI,x1,y1,x2,y2) # Stiffness matrix in local coordinate ck =np.dot(np.dot(tt.T,ek),tt) # Stiffness matrix in global coordinate bfe =bfvec_grd(gamma,A,x1,y1,x2,y2) # Body force vector downward direction ir[5]=3*j+2; ir[4]=ir[5]-1; ir[3]=ir[4]-1 ir[2]=3*i+2; ir[1]=ir[2]-1; ir[0]=ir[1]-1 for i in range(0,nod*nfree): it=ir[i] fp[it]=fp[it]+bfe[i] for j in range(0,nod*nfree): jt=ir[j] gk[it,jt]=gk[it,jt]+ck[i,j] # treatment of boundary conditions for i in range(0,npoin): for j in range(0,nfree): if mpfix[j,i]==1: iz=i*nfree+j fp[iz]=0.0 for i in range(0,npoin): for j in range(0,nfree): if mpfix[j,i]==1: iz=i*nfree+j fp=fp-rdis[j,i]*gk[:,iz] gk[:,iz]=0.0 gk[iz,iz]=1.0 # solution of simultaneous linear equations gk = csr_matrix(gk) disg = spsolve(gk, fp, use_umfpack=True) # recovery of restricted displacements for i in range(0,npoin): for j in range(0,nfree): if mpfix[j,i]==1: iz=i*nfree+j disg[iz]=rdis[j,i] # calculation of section force fsec=np.zeros([nod*nfree,nele],dtype=np.float64) # Section force vector dis =np.zeros(nod*nfree,dtype=np.float64) # work vector for section force calculation for ne in range(0,nele): i=node[0,ne]-1 j=node[1,ne]-1 m=node[2,ne]-1 x1=x[0,i] y1=x[1,i] x2=x[0,j] y2=x[1,j] ee=ae[0,m] po=ae[1,m] ai=ae[3,m] aj=ae[4,m] GJ=0.5*ee/(1.0+po)*aj EI=ee*ai ek,tt=sm_grd(GJ,EI,x1,y1,x2,y2) dis[0]=disg[3*i]; dis[1]=disg[3*i+1]; dis[2]=disg[3*i+2] dis[3]=disg[3*j]; dis[4]=disg[3*j+1]; dis[5]=disg[3*j+2] fsec[:,ne]=np.dot(ek,np.dot(tt,dis)) # print out of result prout_grd(fnameW,npoin,nele,disg,fsec) # information dtime=time.time()-start print('n={0} time={1:.3f}'.format(nfree*npoin,dtime)+' sec') fout=open(fnameW,'a') print('n={0} time={1:.3f}'.format(nfree*npoin,dtime)+' sec',file=fout) fout.close() #============== # Execution #============== if __name__ == '__main__': main()