
python, GMT などのプログラム


Discharge capacity of spillway

Ishii-Fujimoto's formulas are shown below which is described in the Collection of Hydraulic Formulas (JSCE, 1985). For parabolic crest shape, the value of can be obtained as follow. import numpy as np def calc_q(): nsl=np.array([0.85, 0.85…

Hydraulic jump type energy dissipator

import numpy as np def main(): g=9.8 q=42.0 h0=554.1-321.0 v1=26.5 b=4.0 d1=np.round(q/b/v1,decimals=3) fr=np.round(v1/np.sqrt(g*d1),decimals=3) d1d2=np.round(1/2*(np.sqrt(1+8*fr**2)-1),decimals=3) d2=np.round(d1*d1d2,decimals=3) print('v1…

Normal depth of steep channel

(known) discharge (known) width of rectangular open channe (known) Manning's roughness coefficient (known) gradient of channel invert (unknown) normal depth The critical depth of steep channel is calculated as following equation. # normal …

Soil pressure coefficient considering earthquake by Mononobe-Okabe

Active soil pressure coefficient considering earthquake by Mononobe-Okabe can be obtained by following equation. (USACE EM 1110-2-2100 Appendix G) import numpy as np kh=0.077 # horizontal seismic coefficient #kh=0 # horizontal seismic coef…

Python: calculation of required plate thickness of exposed type penstock against buckling pressure by Brent method

A critical buckling pressure of exposed type penstocks can be obtained by following equation. critical buckling pressure of penstock plate thickness excluding corrosion allowance design external diameter elastic modulus of penstock (=206,0…