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設計 仮排水路設計における Flood Routine の活用(1)



仮排水路トンネル断面寸法と仮締切堤高さを決定するための設計検討を行う。 具体的には、トンネル径を変化させ、Flood Routine により、洪水流入波形、流出流量、貯水池水位の関係を求める。

Conditions for Flood Routine Analysis

For flood routine analyssis, following conditions are required.

  • Hydrograph as unflow characteristic.
  • Reservoir storage capacity curve as storage characteristics
  • Discharge capacity curve of diversion tunnel as outfow characteristics


Following hydrograph for 20 years return period flood is used as a given condition.


Reservoir Storage Capacity Curve

Following reservoir capacity curve is used as a given condition.


Discharge Capacity Curve of Diversion Tunnel

In this project, two lanes diversion tunnels are planed, and the characteristics of alignments and standard tunnel shape are shown below.

Information of Diversion Tunnel Alignment
Length L=400mL=450m
Invert level of entranceEL.64.0mEL.64.0m
Invert level of exit EL.62.5mEL.62.5m
Gradient i=0.00375i=0.00333
Curve-1 Bending radius:  \rho=230m
Bending angle:  \theta=39.5deg.
Bending radius:  \rho=260m
Bending angle:  \theta=39.5deg.
Curve-2 Bending radius:  \rho=200m
Bending angle:  \theta=48.2deg.
Bending radius:  \rho=230m
Bending angle:  \theta=48.2deg.
The distance between tunnels are set to 30m (center to center)


The assumptions for the calculation of flow capacity curve of diversion tunnels are shown below.

  • In case that the reservoir water level is lower than or equal to the crown level of the diversion tunnels, the water flows down with uniform flow state.
  • In case that the reservoir water levei is higher than the crown level of diversion tunnels, the water flows down with pressured tunnel flow state.
  • The discharge capacity of diversion is defined as the sum of the discharges of two tunnels.

Calculation of Discharge Capacity for Uniform Flow

Q=A\cdot v \qquad v=\cfrac{1}{n}\cdot R^{2/3}\cdot I^{1/2}

 Aflow section area
 vaverage velocity
 nmanning's roughness coefficient (=0.015)
 Rhydraulic radius
 Iinvert gradient

Calculation of Discharge Capacity for Pressued Tunnel Flow

Q=A\cdot v \qquad v=\sqrt{\cfrac{2 g \Delta H}{f_e+f_o+f_{b1}+f_{b2}+f\cdot L\;/\;R}} \\
f_b=\left\{0.131+0.1632\cdot\left(\cfrac{D}{\rho}\right)^{7/2}\right\}\cdot\sqrt{\cfrac{\theta}{90}} \\
f=\cfrac{2 g n^2}{R^{1/3}}

 Asection area of diversion tunnel
 vaverage velocity
 \Delta Hdifference of water head between upstream and downstream of diversion tunnel
 f_ehead loss coefficient of entrance (=0.25)
 f_ohead loss coefficient of exit (=1.00)
 f_{b1}head loss coefficient of bending for curve-1
 f_{b2}head loss coefficient of bending for curve-2
 ffriction head loss coefficient
 nManning's roughness coefficient (=0.015)
 Llength of tunnel
 Rhydraulic radius of tunnel
 Dinternal diameter of tunnel
 \rhoradius of curvature of bending
 \thetainter angle of bending
 ggravity acceleration (=9.8 m/s ^2)

The calculated discharge capacity of diversion tunnels are shown below.


Result of Flood Routine Analysis

The result of flood routine analysis with parameters of tunnel diameter from 5m to 12m is shown below.

Summary of Flood Routine Analysis Result (Max. Inflow: 3130 m3/s)
TunnelD5.0m x 2D6.0m x 2D7.0m x 2D8.0m x 2D9.0m x 2D10.0m x 2D11.0m x 2D12.0m x 2
Max. Outflow (m3/s)66095912871628 1964227825482756
Max. Water Level (EL.m)99.64197.06194.26291.36488.50385.73583.07980.618


Thank you.
