
python, GMT などのプログラム

設計 確率雨量の推定(1)計算式



確率雨量の推定方法を紹介します。 この記述の元ネタは、以下の論文によります。

  • 星清:水文統計解析,開発土木研究所月報,No.540,1998年5月 (https://thesis.ceri.go.jp/db/files/0005005050.pdf
  • 星清:現場のための水文統計(1),開発土木研究所月報,No.540,1998年5月
  • 星清・新目竜一・宮原雅幸:現場のための水文統計(2),開発土木研究所月報,No.541,1998年6月

ここでは、比較的良く使われると思われる、下記3種類の確率分布を考えます。 いづれも、3変数関数です。

  • 3変数対数正規分布 (Log-Normal distribution with 3 parameters, LN3)
  • 一般化極値分布(Generalized Extreme Value distribution, GEV)
  • 対数ピアソンIII型分布 (Log-Pearson type III distribution, LP3)

本文は、たまたま昔英文のものを作っていたので、それをコピーしています。 Jupyter の Markdown で正常に表示されることを確認して「はてな」に持ってきましたが、「はてな」では正常表示するのに苦労しました。 とりあえず、今後の参考のため、「はてな」の数式表示で気がついたことをメモしておきます。

  • 別行だての式では、{align}{gather} が使える。 {equation} も使えるが {displaystyle} を使わないと行内表示となるためここでは使っていない。
  • 別行だて、行内表示とも、[ ..... ]\[ ..... \]のように、必ずエスケープする。
  • 行内表示ではアンダーバー(_)は必要に応じてエスケープする。
  • 不等号は、うまく表示されない場合は、空白で囲む。
  • TeX記法での \text{ ..... }の中で [tex: ] は使えない。
  • 水圧鉄管の記事では、\text{ ... $...$ ... } は使えた。


Calculation Formulas



The relationship between PDF and CDF is shown below:

F(x)=\int_{-\infty}^x f(t) dt

f(x) PDF (probability density function)
F(x) CDF (cumulative distribution function)

According to the definition of CDF, we can understand that  F(x) : CDF is equal to non-exceedance probability for  x.

Retuen period

For Annual Maximum Series data (AMS):

T=\frac{1}{1-p} \qquad p=1-\frac{1}{T}

Plotting position formulas

A general formula for computing plotting position is defined as follow:

F[x_{(i)}] = \frac{ i - \alpha }{ N + 1 - 2 \alpha }

 N Number of sample
 i Rank order in ascending order
 x_{(i)} Value of sample with rank order  i in ascending order
 \alpha Constant for a paticular plotting position formula ( \alpha=0\sim 1)
 F[x_{(i)}] Plotting position (like a non-exceedance probability)

Formula WeibullBlom CunnaneGringortenHazen
\alpha0 0.3750.40 0.44 0.5

Probability Distribution Model

Log-Normal Distribution with 3 parameters (LN3-distribution)

The parameter estimation method in the case of Hydrologic statistic $x$ following Log-Normal distribution with 3 parameters is shown below.

Probability Density Function

f(x)=\frac{1}{(x-a) \sigma_y \sqrt{2\pi}} \cdot \exp \left\{ -\frac{1}{2} \left[ \frac{\ln(x-a)-\mu_y}{\sigma_y}\right]^2\right\}

Cumulative Distribution Function

\qquad \Phi(z)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\int_{-\infty}^z\exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}t^2\right)dt

Quantile x_p for non-exceedance probability p

z=\frac{\ln(x-a)-\mu_y}{\sigma_y} \qquad\rightarrow\qquad x=a+\exp(\mu_y+\sigma_y z)

x_p=a+\exp(\mu_y+\sigma_y z_p) \qquad \text{$z_p$: value of $z$ at $p=\Phi(z)$}

Estimation of parameters (Moment method)

\qquad \bar{x}=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{j=1}^N x_j
\qquad S_x^2=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{j=1}^N (x_j-\bar{x})^2
\qquad C_{sx}=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{j=1}^N \left(\frac{x_j-\bar{x}}{S_x}\right)^3

\qquad \sigma_x=[N/(N-1)]^{1/2}S_x
\qquad \gamma_x=\frac{\sqrt{N(N-1)}}{N-2}C_{sx}

To get the unbiased skewness [tex\gamma_x], the following formula for Log-Normal distribution by Bobee and Robitaille is adopted. Note that C_{sx} to the power of 3 is multiplied by B.

\gamma_x=C_{sx}(A+B\cdot C_{sx}{}^3) \\
\text{where,} \qquad A=1.01+7.01/N+14.66/N^2 \qquad B=1.69/N+74.66/N^2

The relationship between moments and parameters is shown below:

&\mu_x=a+\exp(\mu_y)\cdot\exp(\sigma_y^2/2) \\
&\sigma_x=\exp(\mu_y)\sqrt{\exp(\sigma_y^2)\{\exp(\sigma_y^2)-1\}} \\

The parameters which we want to know are \sigma_y, \mu_y and a in above equations. The third equation in above is expressed as follow,

\gamma_x=\{\exp(\sigma_y^2)+2\}\sqrt{\exp(\sigma_y^2)-1} \Rightarrow x^3+3x^2-4-\gamma_x^2=0 \quad \text{where,}\quad x=\exp(\sigma_y^2)

The real positive solution for above cubic equation can be obtained by Cardano's method as follow,

x=\left(\beta+\sqrt{\beta^2-1}\right)^{1/3}+\left(\beta-\sqrt{\beta^2-1}\right)^{1/3}-1 \quad \text{where,}\quad \beta=1+\frac{\gamma_x^2}{2}

As a result, parameters can be estimated using following equations with x which is a real positive silution of cubic equation shown above.

\mu_y=\ln\left(\cfrac{\sigma_x}{\sqrt{x(x-1)}}\right) \\

Log-Pearson type III distribution (LP3-distribution)

The parameter estimation method in the case of Hydrologic statistic x following Log-Pearson type III distribution is shown below.

Probability Density Function

f(x)=\frac{1}{|a|\cdot\Gamma(b)\cdot x} \left(\frac{\ln x-c}{a}\right)^{b-1} \cdot \exp\left(-\frac{\ln x-c}{a}\right)
\qquad a > 0 : \exp(c) < x < \infty

\tex:c] is a location parameter, a is a scale parameter, b is a shape parameter.

Cumulative Distribution Function

F(x)=G\left(\frac{\ln x-c}{a}\right)
\qquad G(w)=\frac{1}{\Gamma(b)}\int_0^w t^{b-1}\exp(-t)dt \qquad (a>0)

Quantile x_p for non-exceedance probability p

w=\frac{\ln x-c}{a} \qquad\rightarrow\qquad x=\exp(c+a w)

x_p=\exp(c+a w_p) \qquad \text{$w_p$: the value of $w$ at $p=G(w)$}

Estimation of parameters (Moment method)

y_j=\ln x_j \\
\bar{y}=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{j=1}^N y_j
\qquad S_y^2=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{j=1}^N (y_j-\bar{y})^2
\qquad C_{sy}=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{j=1}^N \left(\frac{y_j-\bar{y}}{S_y}\right)^3

\qquad \sigma_y=[N/(N-1)]^{1/2}S_y
\qquad \gamma_y=\frac{\sqrt{N(N-1)}}{N-2}C_{sy}

To get the unbiased skewness \gamma_x, the following formula for Pearson type III distribution by Bobee and Robitaille is adopted. Note that C_{sy} to the power of 2 is multiplied by B.

\gamma_y=C_{sy}(A+B\cdot C_{sy}{}^2) \\
\text{where,} \qquad A=1+6.51/N+20.2/N^2 \qquad B=1.48/N+6.77/N^2

The relationship between moments and parameters is shown below:

\mu_y=c+a \cdot b \qquad
\sigma_y{}^2=a^2\cdot b \qquad
\gamma_y=\frac{2 a}{|a|\sqrt{b}}

As a result, parameters can be estimated using following equations.

b=4/\gamma_y{}^2 \qquad (b>0) \\
a=\sigma_y/\sqrt{b} \qquad (\gamma_y<0 \rightarrow a=-\sigma_y/\sqrt{b}<0) \\
c=\mu_y-a b

Note that if  \gamma_y is less than 0, a shall be less than 0 and the value of w_p is for the value of 1-p.

Generalized Extreme Value distribution (GEV-distribution)

The parameter estimation method in the case of Hydrologic statistic x following Generalized Extreme Value distribution is shown below. Gumbel distribution is the same as Generalized Extreme value distribution with k=0.

Probability Density Function

\qquad (k\neq 0)

c is a location parameter, a is a scale parameter, k is a shape parameter.

Cumulative Distribution Function

\qquad (k\neq 0)

Quantile x_p for non-exceedance probability p

p=\exp\left[-\left(1-k\frac{x-c}{a}\right)^{1/k}\right] \qquad\rightarrow\qquad x=c+\frac{a}{k}\cdot\left\{1-[-\ln(p)]^k\right\}


Estimation of parameters (L-moments method)

& b_0=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{j=1}^N x_{(j)} \\
& b_1=\frac{1}{N(N-1)}\sum_{j=1}^N (j-1) x_{(j)} \\
& b_2=\frac{1}{N(N-1)(N-2)}\sum_{j=1}^N (j-1)(j-2) x_{(j)}

where,  x_{(i)} is a  j-th value of sample  x in ascending order. It means that  x_{(1)} is the minimum value of sample data and  x_{(N)} is the maximum value of sample data.

The values of  \lambda_i can be calculated using following relationship by deeming  b_i=\beta_i.

\qquad \lambda_2=2\beta_1-\beta_0
\qquad \lambda_3=6\beta_2-6\beta_1+\beta_0

Parameters can be estimated using following relationship between L-Moments and parameters.

k=7.8590d+2.9554d^2 \qquad \text{where, }
\qquad d=\cfrac{2\lambda_2}{\lambda_3+3\lambda_2}-\cfrac{\ln(2)}{\ln(3)} \\
a=\cfrac{k\lambda_2}{(1-2^{-k})\cdot\Gamma(1+k)} \\

Thank you.
